Thursday, March 26, 2009

Coming soon to a farmers market near you.....

Strawberries!!!!   That's right everyone, just a mere month and a half away.  We just got our Gourmet in the mail (a very thoughtful gift from the folks down in FL) and the cover just took my breath away.  I will be making this dessert, a strawberry mascarpone tart with port glaze, though for Stuart's sake, as he is sensitive to wheat, I'll probably make a coconut crust (think macaroon).  Our strawberry plants are looking fantastic---no voles eating a third of them like last year.  A bunch of blossoms that would have become strawberries were zapped in the last cold spell but we think regardless of losing some they will be bountiful this year.  These pics are from last year and the year before---note the gorgeous iris that I have not been able to grow again since 2007.  I think I'm planting too early.  Although we're not looking forward to picking them, eating the berries in any form is going to be a treat.  Come on out and get some of ours at the DFM in early May, we try very hard to pick them at peak ripeness so the sweetness is just right.


sk said...

Gorgeous! I can't wait for strawberries. I'm down in north florida and our (few) plants have green berries already! yay!!

cookingwithgas said...

Yum! I can not wait- and sorry but I don't eat the ones that are in the store now-

Kat said...

i am salivating.

Scott said...

I almost just got so jealous of North Carolina because I thought you had strawberries now. MMMMMM
p.s. congrats on the gofer. I caught a potentially chicken-eating possum in the barn the other night.