Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Signing up members for our 1st Winter flower CSA!!!

We are officially signing up members for our 1st ever winter flower CSA! 7 weeks of fresh, locally grown flowers for $100. What a great time to have some living color in your life. It will run it for 7 weeks, starting the third week in February and it will go through all of March. You will receive tulips, anemones, icelandic poppies, and ranunculus. These are our longest lasting, favorite flowers of the year, all in one stretch! If you haven't had locally grown tulips in your house before, you will be sure to notice the difference. We never use any chemicals, herbicides, or pesticides on our flowers either. This CSA would also be the perfect gift for a loved one as it keeps on giving. What a great present for the holidays.
Our pick up locations will be:
wednesdays at two locations in Durham....we're still working out exactly where but we think somewhere near the downtown area and also near the whole foods

wednesdays in Chapel Hill at Foster's Market

Saturdays at the Durham Farmers' Market

Please send us an email to if you are interested or have any questions!

1 comment:

Shanti said...

How exciting. I recently discovered your blog. I am a vegetable and flower grower in arizona. We have been including flowers in our CSA but I would like to shift to a separate flower CSA. Love you little girl - I have 3 little ones and farming and kids are a challenging but rewarding mix.