The excitement is growing around here! Roger Tate of Tate Inc. sent Seth over to do the grading for the greenhouse we are putting up. He did SUCH an amazing job. If anybody around these parts needs this kind of work done, Roger and Seth are your go-to guys. Roger did our driveway, we get organic chicken manure from him, our mulching straw---and he is a stand-up guy who almost always has some great advice and a few memorable stories.
The only thing that didn't go according to plan was that a power line got cut. We have a buried power line going under the new site, along with a water line as well. We thought we were potentially going to have to move these which would have been a major and expensive pain in the butt, but luckily to get the site graded it had to be built up enough over them that they won't be an issue. PHEW! The line Seth cut was a line that lies aboveground that powers all our farm energy (cooler, greenhouse) and our well. YIKES! We were knee-deep getting stuff prepped for market when it went out but luckily Duke energy came out and fixed it right away. It was pretty impressive. (Coal-ash mess not so impressive)
All in all we are thrilled with the results, now we just have to decide what to do with the weird slopes on the sides and front. Landscape fabric? Stairs to the door? We also have to figure out what we can sow in the place where Seth got the topsoil from. Preferably not burmuda grass. Can't wait to plant the first bed, but I know we still have a long way to go. Can you imagine, flowers all winter? Vision and focus, vision and focus. Please don't screw this one up Alice!
Congrats on the great project. Wish you success in the construction, soil restoration, and growing! Not sure any of these are affordable, but they are all better than burmuda grass!
Jonathan, thanks for the great link! Let's hope the burmuda grass takes longer than we do getting a foothold. We hope all your projects are coming along as well and that your season is off to a good start!
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